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Approach The Great Books with increased understanding
Our carefully designed activities make reading the toughest books more enjoyable and more relatable.
Learn to apply your new understanding to your real life
The activities are designed to not only help you understand what you're reading, but how to apply this understanding in your everyday life.
Learn how to think critically and think independently
The lessons you learn here don't stop once you finish using the app. They are now yours to use however you want, whenever you want.

Link The Big Ideas across The Great Books
Every book on Synto has been carefully chosen as they contain the most important ideas to humankind. We help you discover the main themes and connect the lessons you take from reading.
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Become one of the top 2%
A study in 2014 showed that only 2% of people read at the highest level. We help you get to that level.

How It Works
All activities are carefully designed with to be highly relevant to the book you're reading and the ideas it's discussing - all while being interesting and relevant to the modern world. Here's how it works:
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